Bible In Hand Ministries

Spreading Hope, One Bible at a Time

What do we do? - Our Vision:

Our vision is to place Bibles in the hands of a million believers in Southern Africa by 2030 in their native language.

Partner with us in order to put Bibles in the hands of those in desperate need for hope and salvation.

Bible In Hand Ministries was founded by Jan du Preez in obedience to a prophesy that was placed apon his life that called him to spread the Word of God to Southern Africa by putting Bibles in the hands of believers that do not have access to their own copy of The Word of God.

Our mission is to raise the nessesary funds and support to enable us to source Bibles and Evangelistic literature that will then be distributed throughout Southern Africa to Christian believers who are in need of such material.

We also need to build the logistical and administrative capacity to channel and distribute the material to the recipients.

This will include doing research, needs analysis and establishing appropriate partnerships, both for support and for distribution purposes.

Transforming Communities Through God's Word

Matthew 9:35-38 tells us that "Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples,“The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

Chinese believers recieving their own copies of The Bible in their own language. [Credit: International Christian Concern]

When Jesus saw the crowds, He didn’t just see a group of people eager to take up more of His time and energy. He looked beyond their outward appearance and saw their spiritual need and discouragement. They were spiritually hungry, and He offered to satisfy that need. When you look at the world today — your neighborhood, your community, your nation — what do you see? Pray for the Lord to give you His perspective, to see the world as He does.

What they need is located in the Bible. How will they find what they so desperately need if there is no one to offer it to them?

Partner with us in order to put Bibles in the hands of those in desperate need for hope and salvation.

Spreading Hope, One Bible at a Time

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